First Marshall Plan Chair: 2000-2001
Professor Thomas Albrich
Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck

Dr. Albrich is Professor of History at the University of Innsbruck and a noted authority on 20th century Jewish history in Central Europe in general and on post-World War II displaced persons (DPs) and Jewish refugees in particular. He has also written on the continuity of prewar and postwar Austrian anti-Semitism, the Allied bombing war in Western Austria during World War II, and the diplomacy of postwar restitution of Jewish property.

Marshall Plan Chair 2001-2002:
Dr. Eric Frey
Der Standard, Vienna

Dr. Frey was born in 1963 in Vienna. He is married to the television journalist Katinka Nowotny and has two children (Isabelle and Gideon). He holds a B.A. in International Affairs from Princeton University, an M.P.A. from Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School, and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Vienna. His career has been in journalism. He was a reporter and Bureau Chief of AP-DOW Jones News Service in Frankfurt, Germany. Since 1991 he has worked for Der Standard, a leading Austrian daily paper. Starting out as a deputy foreign editor, he was foreign director (1995-98) and economics director (1998-2001); and editor-in-chief (present). Since 1995 he has also acted as the Vienna Correspondent for The Financial Times (London).

Marshall Plan Chair 2002-2003
Professor Peter Berger
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Peter Berger, born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, earned his Ph.D. from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Since 1983 he has been a member of that university's Economic History Department. In 2000 and 2001 Dr. Berger taught courses in Central European Hhistory and economic history at thhe University of Leiden in Holland. Among Dr. Bergers publications are two-volume study of the Habsburg Empire's successor states in the early 1920's, and ja histrory of the League of Nations' loans to Austria in 1922 and 1931.In fall 2000, the latter book was awarded the prestigious "Boehlau" prize for historical monographs. Dr. Berger is currently working on a concise history of Austria in the 20th century. It is scheduled to appear in the summer of 2003 in German and Dutch editions.

Marshall Plan Chair 2003-2004
Professor Andrea Grisold
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Professor Grisold authored Regulierungsreformen am Mediensektor – der Fall Österreich [Regulatory Reforms of the Media Sector: The Case of Austria] and Zum Wechselverhältnis von Ökonomie und Kulturindustrien [Interactions Between Economics and Cultural Industries] and edited a few books on gender discrimination in labor markets. Her main fields of research include the international political economy of the media, the changing economic and regulatory environment of culture industries, media policies in small countries, and gendered labor markets. She was a Visiting Professor at Trinity College in Dublin , Ireland .

Marshall Plan Chair 2004-2005
Professor Thomas Froeschl

Thomas Froeschl grew up in Steyr, Upper Austria. He studied History at the University of Vienna and also held a prestigious fellowship at Johns Hopkins University. He taught as a guest lecturer at the Universities of Leiden (the Nethrrlands) and Georgetown. His research interests are in German Reichsgeschichte (history of the Holy Roman Empire), Austrian cultural history and more recently American and Atlantic history. He is the only lecturer at the University of Vienna to regularly teach courses in American History. His survey of U.S. history is soon to be published. While at UNO he taught courses on Austrian Cultural History and a graduate proseminar on Atlantic History.

Marshall Plan Chair 2005-2006
Professor Peter Gerlich

Professor Gerlich received a M.C.L. in Comparative Law form Columbia University's Law School, and earned a doctorate in law from the University of Vienna. Professor Gerlich served as Dean of the School of Social and Economic Sciences a the University of Vienna, as well as Chair of the Political Science department.nHe previously taught at Smith College, MA, Nuffield College at the University of Oxford, Stanford University, and Webster University, Vienna, among others.

Marshall Plan Chair 2006-2007
Professor Martin Heintel
University of Vienna.

In the 2006 Fall Semester, Professor Heintel taught GEOG 3390: Special topics class: Regional Development in the European Union.

Marshall Plan Chair 2007-2008
Dr. Andreas Pribersky

Dr. Pribersky was born in 1957 in Nürnberg (Austrian citizenship). He served as the Marshall Plan Chair at the University of New Orleans for Comparative Politics (2007/8) and was a Visiting Professor at the Institut d´Études Politiques, Lyon (march 2006).

Since march 2003 senior researcher at the Institute of Political Sciences, Vienna University
1996 - 2003 head of the Social Sciences Department of the Austrian Institute of East- and Southeast European Studies (OSI)
1990 - 1996 director of the Budapest office of the OSI
1985 - 90 research fellow at the Gesellschaft für politische Aufklärung, Vienna
1982 - 85 research fellow at the Institute for Medical Sociology, Vienna
PhD at Vienna University, 1982

Marshall Plan Chair 2008-2009
Dr. Elisabeth Springler

Dr. Springler earned her Ph.D. in Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Since 2003, she has been serving as Assistant Professor in the Department of Monetary and Fiscal Policy at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, as well as lecturer at BFI Vienna University of Applied Sciences. Dr. Springler was a Visiting Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley and a Post-Keynesian Economics Workshop Fellow at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Marshall Plan Chair 2009-2010
Ambassador Dr. Peter Moser

The tenth annual Marshall Plan Chair for Austrian and European Studies in the academic year 2009-2010for the first time was a diplomat-in-residence. Dr. Peter Moser, a retired diplomat and distinguished former Austrian Ambassador to the United States, Japan and Korea served as Marshall Plan Chair and taught diplomatic history and diplomacy as UNO’s first diplomat-in-residence.

Marshall Plan Chair 2010-2011
Dr. Monika De Frantz

Dr. Monika De Frantz works on politics and space, focusing amongst others on contemporary urban cultures. Before being designated for the 2010-11 Marshall Plan Chair at the University of New Orleans, she held academic positions at the London School of Economics (UK), the University of Vienna (Austria), the Bauhaus-University Weimar (Germany), and the European University Institute (EUI Florence, Italy).

Marshall Plan Chair 2011-2012
Dr. Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve

Before coming to the University of New Orleans as the 2011-2012 Austrian Marshall Plan Chair, Dr. Tazi-Preve served as Senior Research Fellow and scientific coordinator at the University of Vienna's Austrian Institute for Family Studies. She is a lecturer at the Departments for Political Studies Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck, and OHM in Nuremberg, Germany, and served as Research Fellow at the Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences, as well as at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Women`s Health in Vienna, Austria. She holds a Master's degree in Italianistics and Political Science, and a doctorate in political science from the University of Innsbruck.

Marshall Plan Chair 2012-2014
Dr. Berthold Molden

Berthold Molden is a contemporary historian from Vienna, Austria. His interests include the politics of history and memory, the intellectual history of the Cold War, particularly in Latin America, the USA, and Europe, as well as political networks of the Global South in the 20th century.

Berthold received his doctorate at the University of Vienna in 2005 and has since worked as a project director for Cold War Memory Studies at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres (2005-2010) and as visiting professor and university lecturer at the University of Vienna (since 2006, visiting professor for Global History in 2010), the University of Chicago (visiting assistant professor, Mellon Scholar 2011), the University of California, Santa Barbara (visiting scholar 2008), and the University of Innsbruck (2010). He also worked for the Austrian Historical Commission (2000-2001) and was a Research Fellow at the Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales, Guatemala (2001-2003).

Marshall Plan Chair 2014-2015
Dr. Karin Liebhart
University of Vienna

Marshall Plan Chair 2015-2016
Dr. Hans Petschar
Austrian National Library